Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"Dried In"

As of the 16th and January, the house is "dried in". The roofers found enough of a break in the weather to get the ice/water shield on the roof. We were told that siding is almost finished and plumbing and electrical are 80% complete. The front door is a custom fir craftsman style...thanks to Bill the Builder.

For me, the hodge-podge of colors is hard to look past. Cameron does a great job of squinting and thinking big picture. We are going to try to pick siding colors and wood stains that make the house look like it was meant to be there all along!

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Anonymous said...

I love your door! Everything is coming together beautifully. Gary and I are dying to drive up there, but first we have to figure out how to manage the dawg. Who knows what Jack will think of next?


Lesley Miller said...

dude- I didn't know you were building a house! Holy cow that's amazing and really exciting. Congratulations! I'm assuming it's in Colorado? Whereabouts? Can I come visit? I'll bring Hardeman with me so that it's not awkward. And, if Cameron wants a new friend then Jonathan could tag along too. Do you guys ski? This would make our Colorado vacation even better. And of course, I'd need some hot chocolate, a hot tub in the backyard, my private guest suite...

Katie said...

1- I said "dude" the other day and was made fun of for sounding "sooo American." I've since been pondering the many uses of this "American" word. (not sure why I put American in quotes)
2- ARe you sure you didn't mean Bob- not Bill?
3- What colors are you guys thinking?
4- I am so impressed. I look at that house and think..."dude, Katie had to make so many grown-up decisions it is reeediculious." pronounced as spelled.
5- I can't wait to visit! I already mentioned to Trent a possible roadtrip to see "my coolest friends" aka Gamers Extraordinaire.
6- I just started reading The Pillars of the Earth and have a sudden interest in architecture- I will be closely examining the doorways.
7- Estimated finishing time?
8- you like even numbers right?